Add Kaczanowski & Co products to your deli counter
Sell Kaczanowski Christmas ham and smallgoods in your deli, supermarket, butchery or cafe.
Wholesale orders
Recurring and bulk orders can be made through our distributors. Find a distributor in your region:

How to Order
Kaczanowski products are sold through partner distributors throughout Australia. Minimum orders, delivery schedules and product availability may vary. If you require assistance finding a distributor, please contact us.
Distributors To
Sydney Metro & Surrounds
Distributors To
Central Coast & Hunter
Distributers to
Regional NSW
Dawson’s Wholesale Smallgoods (South West NSW)
111 Railway Parade Taree NSW 2430
Corrado & Frank Distributors (Illawarra)
121-127 Jardine St, Fairy Meadow NSW 2519
Midwest Foods (Dubbo)
2 Capital Drive, BlueRidge Business Park, Dubbo, NSW 2830
Distributors To
Son of a Bunn (Gold Coast & Brisbane)
27 Demand Avenue, Arundel QLD 4214